Welcome:Zhejiang MAYATA Precision Machinery Co.Ltd.

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Zhejiang MAYATA Precision Machinery Co.Ltd.
Address:No.62, Zhenxi Road, Industrial Zone, Huangze Town, Shengzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China   P.C.:312455

Web Site: http://www.mayata.com www.mayata.cn
Sales Department:
Mr. Zhou Youhua 13905853040
Mr. Zhou Youfeng 13706850210
Ms. Qiu Aiping 13335781588
Phone: 0575-83050158 83050008
Fax: 0575-83050166 83050006

Purchase Department:

Ms. Xiaying Zhou

Mobile: +86 137 5753 5214

Email: 2850623881@qq.com


WECHAT: 13757535214

QQ: 2850623881

Mailbox: mayata@mayata.com 2850623909@qq.com
Enterprise QQ:2850623909   SKYPE:Mayata-aip WECHAT: MAYATA-AIP

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